We need to build Content Management System!

Every company needs them. Every company wants them. Every company want to spend money on custom Content Management System that they can call their own. -->

Next time you try to reinvent CMS stop and first take a look at existing CMS systems that very liberally licensed. If you cannot use them at least take a look at their architecture. It will give you a good starting point.
I was just concentrating on the CMS that based on ASP.NET and had a good web presence and documentation.
After some review of architectures Cuyahoga is leading this list for me. N2 is very close behind the Cuyahoga as of March 02, 2008.
When new frameworks come in to play I will review them and reassess.

Gartner's Magic Quadrants

Business Intelligence Platforms, 2008   http://mediaproducts.gartner.com/reprints/microsoft/vol7/article3/article3.html

Gartner Magick Quadrante =;-0  http://www.valleyofthegeeks.com/News/GartnerQuadrant.html

" Technology Leaders Join OpenID Foundation..."

Here the link http://openid.net/2008/02/07/evolving-the-openid-foundation-board/

AUTOMATIC CYRILLIC CONVERTER <-> Автоматический переводчик кирилицы

I had to type few paragraphs in Cyrillic the other day and I realized that it is not easy for me anymore.

10 years ago I used to type about 60 words per minute in Russian with my eyes closed. I definitely lost the speed even though I remember were the Cyrillic fonts located on a keyboard. Well, on a plus side I did not loose ability to think in Russian, and in addition now I can think in English. I was thinking to order Cyrillic keyboard for one of my computers at home and realized that it probably will not make situation better. What did saved me is wonderful "AUTOMATIC CYRILLIC CONVERTER" http://newyork.mashke.org/Conv/ that I found. It is easy for me to use since I was typing letters to my family using "transliteration" anyway. I know how much pain it can be for someone who primarily read and converse in Russian to read transliteration.


Avtomaticheskij perevodchik kirilicy

Ya ponyal, paru dnej nazad kogda mne ponadobilos' napisat' paru slov na russkom, chto eto ne tak legko kak bylo ran'she. 10 let nazad ya svobodno mog pechatat' okolo 60 slov v minutu. Ya opredelenno ne smogu vostnovit' etu sposobnost' bez ochen' dlitelnoj trenirovki na kotoruju u menya vremya konechno net. S polozhitelnoj storony, konechno zhe, ya teper' spokojno mogu myslit' kak na russkom tak i na anglijskom. Po nachalu ya podumyval prosto kupit' russkuyu klaviaturu, no bystro soobrazil chto eto skoree vsego ne izmenit situaciju. Pobrodiv nemnogo po internetu ya dostatochno bystro nashel programmu kotoraya smozhet reshit' problemu o kotoroj ya ran'she dazhe i ne zadumyvalsja. Ya prosto byl uveren chto eto kak vozhdenie velosipeda – odnazhdy nauchivshis' uzhe ne kogda ne zabudesh' kak. Kak vremja pokazalo ya byl ne prav. Mozg vybrasyvaet informaciju kotoroja dolga ne byla vospol'zovana. Prosto kashmar kakoj-to!
"AUTOMATIC CYRILLIC CONVERTER" http://newyork.mashke.org/Conv/
S pomoschju etoj programmy ya mogu pechatat' vse s takoj zhe skorost'ju na translite i potom odnim mahom perevernut' eto v normalnye russkie bukvy. Ya znaju po sebe kak eto mozhet byt' bol'no chitat' transliteration kogda v obydennoj zhizni govorish' na russkom i chitaesh tol'ko kirilicu.

And now converted using mentioned software:

Автоматический переводчик кирилицы

Я понял, пару дней назад когда мне понадобилось написать пару слов на русском, что это не так легко как было раньше. 10 лет назад я свободно мог печатать около 60 слов в минуту. Я определенно не смогу востновить ету способность без очень длителной тренировки на которую у меня время конечно нет. С положителной стороны, конечно же, я теперь спокойно могу мыслить как на русском так и на английском. По началу я подумывал просто купить русскую клавиатуру, но быстро сообразил что это скорее всего не изменит ситуацию. Побродив немного по интернету я достаточно быстро нашел программу которая сможет решить проблему о которой я раньше даже и не задумывался. Я просто был уверен что это как вождение велосипеда - однажды научившись уже не когда не забудешь как. Как время показало я был не прав. Мозг выбрасывает информацию котороя долга не была воспользована. Просто кашмар какой-то!
"AUTOMATIC CYRILLIC CONVERTER" http://newyork.mashke.org/Conv/
С помощю этой программы я могу печатать все с такой же скоростью на транслите и потом одним махом перевернуть это в нормалные русские буквы. Я знаю по себе как это может быть больно читать транслитератион когда в обыденной жизни говоришь на русском и читаеш только кирилицу.

Some JavaScript and AJAX related links

free, original DHTML & Javascripts to enhance your web site...

"Ext is a client-side, JavaScript framework for building web applications. In early 2006, Jack Slocum began working on a set of extension utilities for the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) library. These extensions were quickly organized into an independent library of code and distributed under the name "yui-ext." In the fall of 2006, Jack released version .33 of yui-ext, which turned out to be the final version of the code under that name (and under the open source BSD license). By the end of the year, the library had gained so much in popularity that the name was changed simply to Ext, a reflection of its maturity and independence as a layout:'fit',framework. A company was formed in early 2007, and Ext is now dual-licensed under the LGPL and a commercial license. The library officially hit version 1.0 on April 1, 2007"

The Json.NET library makes working with JSON formatted data in .NET simple.
Quickly read and write JSON using the JsonReader and JsonWriter or serialize your .NET objects with a single method call using the JsonSerializer