Generic Singelton pattern in C# and VB.NET


using NUnit.Framework;

public class SingletonTest
    public void ObjectsAreTheSameTest()
        DeploymentInfo firstDeployment = Singleton<DeploymentInfo>.UniqueInstance;
        DeploymentInfo secondDeployment = Singleton<DeploymentInfo>.UniqueInstance;
        Assert.AreSame(firstDeployment, secondDeployment);

//Singleton Pattern 
//Generic Version

public class Singleton<T> where T : class, new()
    private Singleton()

    private class SingletonCreator
        static SingletonCreator()
        // Private object instantiated with private constructor
        static internal readonly T instance = new T();

    public static T UniqueInstance {
        get { return SingletonCreator.instance; }


Imports NUnit.Framework

<TestFixture()> _
Public Class SingletonTest
    <Test()> _
    Public Sub ObjectsAreTheSameTest()
        Dim firstDeployment As DeploymentInfo = Singleton(Of DeploymentInfo).UniqueInstance
        Dim secondDeployment As DeploymentInfo = Singleton(Of DeploymentInfo).UniqueInstance
        Assert.AreSame(firstDeployment, secondDeployment)
    End Sub
End Class

'Singleton Pattern 
'Generic Version

Public Class Singleton(Of T As {Class, New})
    Private Sub New()
    End Sub

    Private Class SingletonCreator
        Shared Sub New()
        End Sub
        ' Private object instantiated with private constructor
        Friend Shared ReadOnly instance As New T()
    End Class

    Public Shared ReadOnly Property UniqueInstance() As T
            Return SingletonCreator.instance
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

Kent Beck talking Agile and his new book "Implementation Paterns"

What an excellent interview. If you have chance listen to Kent speak rather then just reading the transcript of interview. The passion when he speaks about "programming" is amazing and impossible to show in transcript.

"...people are now asking the question: "How am I going to do agile development?" and agile development isn't a thing you do, it's an attitude, it's a set of personal values about responding to the real world, being open to the information that is there and being willing to do something about it.

That is agility. Yes, there is a lot of practices that come out of that but to me that is where it starts, it's this attitude. If somebody understood a bunch of practices and tried to do them, you could do agile development without being agile and it's a disaster because you're acting out of harmony with what you really believe when you do that..." - Kent Beck

SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer (January 2008)

Agile Patterns: The Technical Cluster

patterns & practices April 2007 DVD

patterns & practices April 2007 DVD