Quick way to create UML Sequence diagrams

I stumble upon this post the other day.
This led me to wonderful online tool http://www.websequencediagrams.com/ .
The SD/MSC Generator is an easy alternative to using mouse-centric tools like Microsoft Visio.
It has nice Domain Specific Language and API for creating quick sequence diagrams.

I would prefer this approach for creating any UML diagram anytime over any mouse-centric diagramming tool. Any UML diagram drawn will be rarely revisited later and adjusted/updated to the reality of the live code base. Usually when some process is better can be presented visually you want to have it done as quickly as possible while the idea is still fresh in you head. With traditional tools you would probably spend 70-85% of your time resizing horizontal and vertical lines, boxes, searching for the right shape and stencils, trying to remember to save the document in the correct format and with all this “noise” you loose concentration and spend 3-4 hours on simple diagram that would take 30 minutes to one hours with the tool like SD/MSC Generator. It is so much easier to learn Domain Specific Language for this tool than count pixels on the Visio grid.

And here is the best part of tool like this: you can store text/instruction for your diagram as regular text file in your favorite version control system rather then binary file.

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with this product.

I just found another tool or technique that makes more sense, to me, and makes software project more Agile and less bureaucratic.

JavaScript frameworks

I am getting more and more comfortable with different javascript frameworks.
The simple reason is that frameworks got much better.
I used javascript here and there before but tried to stay away from internals and poluting my memory with different behaviors of JavaScript in different browsers.

My first encounter with AJAX was via using MagicAjax.net at the begining of 2005. Later when Atlas/ASP.NET AJAX got better I start using it for my projects.
I have now enough understanding to see that ASP.NET AJAX can be somewhat havy and from now on I am trying to use more browser friendlier and much lighter options utilizing following javascript libraries and CSS resources:
  • jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.
  • Ext JS 2.0 Ext JS is a cross-browser JavaScript library for building rich internet applications.
  • Dynamic Drive's new CSS library! Here you'll find original, practical CSS codes and examples such as CSS menus to give your site a visual boast.
Combine this with the good server side scripting technology like ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby on Rails and others and you may get very close to perfect harmony and nice warm Zen like feeling about design and performance of your web application. ;-)


Link to Everything: A List of LINQ Providers

LINQPad lets you interactively query SQL databases in a modern query language: LINQ.  Kiss goodbye to SQL Management Studio!

Visual LINQ Query Builder http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/vlinq/

Versioning Controlled Build

Versioning Controlled Build

Distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.


Have not use it yet but heard a lot of good things about it.